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Clap switcher
Usually I read book on the bed until I get to sleep.
The switch is quite far from my bed.
So everytime I need to go there to turn off the switch.
Already there are so many switchers.
Yes, They are clean and quite useful.
But they have some demerites.
Most of switcher are bluetooth.
It's comfortable but it's not working without bluetooth machine.
Second, as you can see, the switcher covered all switch.
This is my home switch.
It consists two parts.
Top for the room. Below for bathroom.
So I just want only switcher for room.
If I use commercial switcher, it would cover all switches.
So it's quite annoying for me to check bathroom switch even though I don't use.
And it's also uncomfortable when I wanna turn on and off the switch by myself.
So I wanna make my clap switcher.
Idea sketch
The process.
When mic amp recognizes the sound of clap(above the certain amount of sound), servo motor activates.
It leads to turn on and off the switch.
*The skills I'll use for this project.
Laser cutting
3d printing
Electronic design and making
Molding and Casting
The analog sound is Clap sound.
Electric signal will lead to move servo motor.
The result is turning the switch on and off.